Saturday, November 04, 2006

Open Letter to Chicago Public Transit System:

Dear CTA,

Words cannot express how much I love you, despite all your flaws. Look, I have loved many times, and I really think with you, I can forgive all the things about you that really get my goat, and just find a higher plane with us.
On Weekend nights, I think about how fast you get us all away from our shitty day jobs and into our nightlife, and I am amazed at your speed and dedication. I wonder how you feel about having to go back and forth all night instead of partying down as well. I am sure you miss the raging fun, but at least you get to see it in transition, from one social gathering to another. Sometimes the train cars even become a mini party of their own due to drunken idiots! What fun! They bring the party to you, CTA. That is how much we love you.
I often curse your name when I have already brought it upon myself to be late to work, and you add to the problem by being late as well. And sometimes I get annoyed that you dont have more seats. Or you take a turn to quick and make me mash into another rider, thus breaking my silent morning and forcing me to utter "sorry" in my gravelly pre-coffee voice.
But despite all this, I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I need you in my life, always. I can't see myself without you, and my future looks so beautiful as long as you are around. So I will get over all my issues with you and keep trying to find new ways to love you and all you bring me each day.

Yours forever,
Your sweet loving rider,

1 comment:

Iwanski said...
