Saturday, May 05, 2007


So yours truly has put some serious cash money on an apartment I adore. I am finally going to live alone, after years and years of invading other peoples' places and renting rooms and never feeling comfortable enough to nest.
I will nest, dammit!
And spend time with MYSELF!
And buy my own dishes/silverware finally!
And decorate tastefully!
(Ok we all know the last one is a long shot, but still!)

It is a studio apartment. It has a separate kitchen. And a big closet. (My clothes might ACTUALLY fit in my closet! Glory be! That has not happened in a few years, folks. I have lived in some tiny spaces) It is in a rockin area. I am near many good sushi restaurants. I am near many good friends. I am near a beautiful lake. I am near many forms of transit. I have laundry downstairs. And a bike room. And a lot of light. And a little porch. And a tiny bathroom all my own. It is a reasonable price. Heat is included. (A key thing here in this godforsaken winter)

I can't really hate anything about it yet. And I am so excited I want to move right now. But I still gotta wait until it is officially mine. I just held it until they check my credit. Which is stellar, I believe!
As you can tell, I am extremely giddy about this news. I did not plan on finding a place so early (I move in July) but what a weight off my shoulders! I am quite pleased with my luck. I swear, in Chicago everything is so easy and pleasant for me most of the time. I never want to leave!

I am very blessed and very aware of this fact.

I will be proud to call this place my home. Friends will visit and I will show off how cute my place is! I can't wait!

I guess that is all for now. Happy Cinco De Mayo to me!

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