Saturday, February 05, 2011

My, That's a Lot of Snow!

I saw the largest amount of snow I have ever seen in my life this week. In case you just crawled out from under a rock and never read or watch the news, Chicago was hit with it's third largest snowstorm ever on Groundhog Day a few days ago. It is fitting that since I was stuck at home that day, I actually watched the movie Groundhog Day. Great flick! I don't know if I had ever made it through the whole thing from start to finish before without falling asleep. So that was an accomplishment.

But this storm, man. It was epic. There were howling winds, and thunder and lightening along with buckets and buckets of the white stuff. All told we got a little over 20 inches of snow, more than this little California transplant has ever witnessed in my seven years living in Illinois. It was pretty freaky.

Chicago is still reeling from the effects of the storm on the city. Streets are clear for the most part, but there are piles and piles of snow as tall as me on every corner. Walking in the neighborhoods has proven quite treacherous. Nonetheless, I managed to make it to the gym twice this week, plodding through the tundra of ice and snow. I think walking there and back counts as a double workout each time, don't you think? That makes me feel better about the many glasses of wine and pieces of chocolate I gorged on while stuck in the house for two days. Whatever it takes.

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