Thursday, April 15, 2010


Due to a number of people expressing their satisfaction with, I thought perhaps I should look into possibly switching where I poo out these thoughts of mine. Maybe it is time to change the liter, eh? 

I mean, I have been here for four or five years already. And really, the site is pretty rudimentary. (I hope some blogspot police don't read this and can me somehow because of that statement! Ack!) There are only a few backgrounds and everything is very simplified, which I do like. But sometimes, it is nice to have fun options. Bells and whistles and such.

On top of that, I have been having trouble actually tracking who even reads this stuff and I recently added some sort of counter thingy to see if it would help. But since I am so awesomely lame at technology sometimes, I can't seem to figure out how to read it properly. Plus the company just sort of emails me randomly with a statement of how many hits I got, but there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. It has been a little frustrating. 

So about a week ago, I ventured on to I was instantly intrigued. It all looked so easy! And so many options were at your fingertips instantly. It immediately asked me what I wanted to have for a blog name and of course I chose to continue the old Winnie the Pooh word-play that is poopoocorner. And they had it! Suddenly I had set up a blog over there! It was great. I felt excited, like I was on the brink of a huge turning point in my blog life (did I really just write that? Why does that sound so moronic?). 

Then came the time when I started clicking around on all these options. Widgets. Extras. Backgrounds. Places to sign up for free fonts. Places to add your favorite blogs. Places to organize comments and archives and all kinds of other crap I had not really thought about. And when I tried to go to these options and implement them, it became very apparent that I did not understand all the jargon or what I was really doing. I mean I could not even find the place to start writing! It was pathetic. 

I don't think this is necessarily's fault, by any means. They are awesome and I have seen some real snazzy blogs come out of there. Truthfully I am a bit envious of the quality of their blog format. It is me. I am the one who is hesitant in this relationship.

I just don't think I am ready for that much extra stuff. I wish I was, I really do. But I will take my one-push publishing option at blogspot over the insanity that is the wordpress dashboard any day. I suppose if I had the proper assistance from someone who rocked at wordpress blogging and could navigate me around the site, that would really help. But currently, I am alone on this mission. 

As a result of all this exploration, I now have dominion over poopoocorner over at wordpress. Currently, there is nothing there but some generic thing wordpress puts up initially for you. One day I hope to switch over and somehow archive a link to this blog over there. Or maybe figure out how to move it all over there in one big chunk. 

In the meantime, I am staying put. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 


Gregg Koep said...

I found your blog through "I Blog Your Profile" where it was featured. I am also on Blogger and am quite satisfied with what I am getting. However, I have not looked at wordpress at all. It seems like it would be a lot of work to switch, and your blog looks good the way it is. And just wondering - how do you wipe your brain after pooing out your thoughts?

leelee said...

Haha. It is tricky. It involves at least one glass of wine. And maybe a wet wipe or two. :)
Thank you for your input G. Koep! I am definitely staying put for now.