Tuesday, January 05, 2010

It Has Been a Whole YEAR...

since I wrote something here.  And that is unacceptable. I can't believe I let that much time pass. I mean, I wrote other things in other places, sure. But barely. This was supposed to be the place I got creative and vented and shared and whatnot. And the last post on JAN 12, 2009 is staring me in the face as if to mock me.

Well, self, I truly apologize. I never meant to neglect you and your thoughts and feelings and musings. It's just...well, it has been an eventful year. 

I got another job. Now I work at two different places, 7 days a week. 
I got engaged. I went from spending time staring at rings to staring at my particular ring to staring at wedding dresses to staring at wedding venue websites...you get the picture. I've been busy, I tell you!

But these are just excuses for avoiding something with which I have a love-hate relationship. It has always been like that...probably always will be. Writing and I--well, we enjoy each other's company quite a bit but then something will come between us, and a fight will ensue, and it will take us a while to come around again. But we always do come around, and that is comforting.

So let us add "updating this blog" to my already long list of New Years Resolutions for 2010. 
Want to know some others? Here goes:

  • Work out at least 3 times a week
  • Focus on eating healthier
  • Solidify the wedding date and location and get "save the dates" out
  • Find a better second job or a new job entirely
  • Finish at least 5 scenes for a book I am writing
  • Workshop a monologue and go on a few auditions
  • Put time aside to meditate
  • Make better use of my downtime at home 

Well, these are some loftly goals but I bet I can at least make a dent in 2 or 3 of them. Wish me luck! 

1 comment:

junebug said...

no resolutions, thank you. but I bet you can meet most of your goals under the one heading: make better use of my time at home. so many creative ways to address that. anyhow, I miss you. and I believe in you. xo.