Thursday, July 15, 2010

We Don't Have to Move! Huzzah!

A while back I wrote about some big changes coming around the bend. Well we just got word that one of those things will not be happening, and I am sure from my gleeful title of this post, you can deduce which one it is.

Yes, folks. We don't have to move in a few months from our beloved cave-like apartment. Adam talked to our landlord a few days ago and he suggested we sign a lease for another year! We were worried that since the landlord is trying to sell the building, we would either be kicked out or forced to go month-to-month until someone bought it and then kicked out. And all this right before Adam heads to Grad school. And of course, right before our wedding. But no, the landlord sees us for what we are--a commodity for people who would like to buy the building we live in and rent the bottom while living up top. What a great selling point if the buyer has no need to look for renters. There will already be two stable, easy-going people happy to stay in the crusty downstairs apartment for one more year. Win-win for all.

Now the only thing we have to work on is finding a way to get our landlord to let us have a kitty. After much discussion and debate, I have finally convinced my ever-compromising and loving fiance to give in and allow a feline into our lives. It took a while, and consisted of a lot of whining and even a little batting of the ole' eyelashes, but all my bugging him paid off and he agreed at last that having a low-maintenance furry companion would be fun and it would also keep me company when he is at school and work all day/night for the next 3 years. The problem is, we have a "no pets" clause in the lease...for now. I am optimistic that we can convince our landlord to make an exception. I mean, come on. We are the greatest tenants a landlord could ask for! We are responsible, polite, and don't trash the place. What more could you want in a renter?

And besides--when we were first looking at the apartment before we rented it, the landlord was showing us around and mentioned the "no pets" thing...right before opening a bedroom door and bumping into a huge cage with a rabbit inside.

He seemed only mildly surprised, not angry, and mumbled, "Well I guess we allow rabbits now. So only rabbits, I suppose." We all laughed awkwardly and moved on.

So this experience has totally convinced me that with the right tone and finesse, we can definitely win him over to our side. Plus, he is selling the joint anyway, so what does he care? We have a legitimate shot at this, guys. I can feel it. Though I do have a track record of being a little too optimistic at times. But this is different! (I think)

Overall, us not having to move during such a stressful time is way more important than getting a cat. So I could put up with one more year of being pet-less.

I can also put up with the apartment I lovingly call "the cave" due to it being on the ground floor with very little light unless you open all the front windows and allow all of my neighborhood to view whatever we are watching on TV along with us. I can put up with it's darkness and all the cracks in the doors that make winter unbelievably cold. I can put up with the shower that has a layer of black grime from many years of neglect from long before we came along, and refuses to look clean. I can also put up with the rattling heater and air conditioner attached to the upstairs apartment that happens to be located right next to our bedroom for some reason. And I can put up with the weird bugs I find from time to time. All this is what we like to call character. And it certainly beats moving. (Don't most things in life beat moving? I mean really.)

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