Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Ode to Cribbage

Oh happy card game!
Providing a challenge to my brain
And a test to my math skills!
Always the easy time-passer
Always the relaxing compliment
to any beer
and any conversation;
any sunny afternoon on a porch.
You are the secret strategy I finally get
after years of failures and lucky breaks.
There is nothing like the satisfaction
of a good peg
or a good skunk.
Old friend,
you treat us well, always...
even when the cards don't giveth
but instead taketh away.
Fifteen for two
and the rest can screw.

*If you don't know what Cribbage is, you can discover the wonder here and here. Get on it!


melissaoct6 said...

i love cribbage! ...and backgammon too!

Jon Dick said...

The bard of the board!