Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunny Side Up! worked.

All my efforts to stay positive finally paid off.

It could also have something to do with the fact that I have been working really hard for seven months now. But that is beside the point. The point is, I stayed positive in the face of adversity and the universe was good to me. It finally gave me the job opportunity I have been waiting for. I have alluded in past posts to the changes coming soon, and I have kept my mouth shut about my hardcore search for a new job. I did (do) not want to blast the infinite depths of the internet with my job search details, because that would just be silly. But I will say that it has been happening for a long while (this whole recession-unemployment business is fact. Securing a job is tough right now!) and I am relieved to report the search is finally over. Yours truly will be done at the current mindless office gig in a little over a week, and will be starting up at a great company in a great role with the potential to be a strategic move, career-wise. (I never thought I would be capable of making those sorts of moves--strategic, career-oriented ones. Go me! Progress!)

Obviously I won't go into detail here about either situation, but maybe when I find myself at a loss for ideas to write about in the future, I will touch on some of the frustrations of job-seeking in this economy (like the fact that I kept getting on the "top three candidates" lists at the places I interviewed, only to ultimately lose out to someone I presume is a cuter, smarter, younger version of myself. Ugh!). The competition is fierce out there, people. You will get the interviews, but ultimately landing the position is tricky nowadays. But my advice is to keep at it! Something will come along. You may have to apply for ten more jobs than you thought you would, but it will be worth it! Promise.

Anyway, I am so relieved to be leaving my old job. I have been disenchanted practically since day one, but it provided a solid place for me to make money while attending massage therapy school at night for a year, while beefing up my admin skills so that I could move on to bigger and better things eventually.
It was supposed to be a means to an end kind of thing originally, and somehow I ended up there almost four years. That happens sometimes, I suppose. Time flies when you are having a fulfilling life outside of a job, and suddenly you realize you are complacent but spinning your wheels. Time to change.

I have experienced this before and I am sure I will again. But the winds of change called to me this year. Or maybe it was the breeze of broke. Either way, I knew it was time to mosey.

So back to the original idea I wanted to express in this post today--I stayed positive despite my hardships while seeking new employment, and literally a few hours after my last, frustrated post, when I was trying desperately to fake the positive, I got the offer for my new gig. How about that? I think maybe I was right--that I needed to counter my usual pessimistic (closeted optimistic) attitude and show a little sunny-side-of-life kind of thinking. It must have helped. I mean it certainly didn't hurt. I will try to remember what happened to me in the last week every time I feel like I am hitting walls while working hard. And then, just when I feel as hopeless as can be, I will take a break to look at myself in the mirror and smile insanely again, maybe run around the house yelling about how positive I am.

This time, I won't go for the tequila shot though. I learned that lesson well.

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