Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I have an itch. An itch to go away again.

I get these twinges, almost like a nervous tic in my heart. But it is a feeling, very sharp, very intense. A feeling that I need to get out of here and travel. I hear about everyone around me and how they are going places, and I get this searing white flash of jealousy and longing whenever I hear about their awesome travels to places I have only dreamed of.

And now I have started the job I got in order to make me stable and make my life predictable. And now I can't go away for a while. Why is it when I had the most flexible and lucrative job, I had little desire to travel, and that would have been the best time to do so? Why am I so antsy now that I have a routine to uphold? Maybe BECAUSE I have a routine I am feeling this way.

But I know other people who have a routine job and still manage to be adventurous here and there. Maybe I can too! But for some reason it seems a bit out of my reach at the moment...

You know what I think is a sadder realization than wanting to travel so badly? Realizing that I have no one to go with. Sure, I have my occasional friends and my boyfriend. But none of them would be able to plan a trip with me due to their busy lives and jobs. I think my boyfriend used up most of his vacation time to tour with his comedy group, so we can squeeze a quick weekend jaunt in before the end of the year and that is about it. When I think of traveling, I think of going with him, but that is out of the question. AS for friends...jeez I can only think of one single person who MIGHT go on a trip with me. And she has no money and no job so that is not possible either. My other friends all live lives across the country (or out of the country) and can't afford it either. Neither can I, really, but if someone was excited to travel with me somewhere, I would find a way. I know it.
And here in I pretty much have deep aquaintances. I am not knocking my wonderful aquaintances. Without them, I would be lonlier than lonely. But sometimes having so many aquaintances can make me feel pretty darn lonely regardless.
Somehow, being in a room full of people that you don't know all that well but who all seem to know each other real well, can be one of the the lonliest moments. And knowing that these people are all kind and interesting, but you have nothing that much in common or just don't connect quite right with them, at least not enough to feel really can leave you feeling a bit disjointed. And you think to yourself, "these people have meaningful relationships with others here, what can't I? And jeez, do any of these people even know anything meaningful about me besides what I do for a job?"
Then you try to say something to connect, you reach out. And no one hears because the music is too loud or they were too busy thinking of the next story about themselves that they wanted to tell. And so each time you hang out with these people, any of these people, you get quieter and quieter until you are suddenly attacked with adult onset shyness and what the hell is that?! You are social. You are magnetic. When you want to be. Why haven't you wanted to be?
What the hell has taken over you lately?
Is this why you have so few good friends? Or is this the result that occcurs from having so few real ones? Analyzing and attacking yourself in stupid ways in your head about your ability to make friends?

Is this what they mean when they say the word "pathetic?" I certainly feel that way right now.

Now, I was going to not publish this post because it turned into a random stream of consciousness and ended with me attacking myself (which happens from time to time when I write my true feelings). But part of me wanted to leave it up in case there is someone out there who understands this thought pattern I have (as negative as it can be) and maybe someone who is feeling a little of this and is too afraid to voice it or admit it because lets face it, it sounds really stupid, some of this crap.
So now I think I will leave it up so that secretly, someone may be relieved I wrote about this, and maybe they don't feel so embarrassed about relating to me on this topic. Or maybe no one understands what I just wrote and I am the only freak whose brain goes from "I want to travel" to "Oh my god my life sucks." If that is the case, then here I am, the fool on the hill. Well, maybe people who know me will understand how I get so dark so quick sometimes. You just witnessed my thought process. There you go.

At the risk of seeming a little nutty, this posting will stay up for as long as I can stand reading it. May only be a day or so. We shall see.
That is all. I am done with my head.

1 comment:

Ryan Tasker said...

I often find myself asking, either alone or in groups, "How do people MEET people?" Or, in other words, how do people make deep connections with people they're not forced to be with in some way, like in school or by neighborhood proximity as kids. Jobs, primarily mercenary by nature, do not count, as the primary purpose there is to exchange time and energy for money, and connections only make things more complicated. When I see people whose closest friends are still their old high school or college buddies, I get a twinge of presumptuous, holier-than-thou feeling, like "Jeez, aren't you supposed to have grown out of that by now?" On the other hand, it's true that some of my deepest connections harken back to that time, even if they are no longer regular or consistently deep in nature to this day.
You've picked a tough row to hoe, picking up and removing to a place isolated from your past. It's no wonder you feel a little dizzy and anxious, at times. Ogling other people's lives, fantasizing about alternate realities where your genius was realized at 21, wanting to run the second you've shackled yourself to a reality that looked so good just before you began it. But the past is still there, is part of you, and always will be.
Not sure what I'm trying to say, other than, keep plugging: you'll find what you're looking for. Also, be careful how you live your may end up living your life that way. I heard that seemed deeper, then. :)
Also, I saw your post about boys, and just wanted to say: "Sorry. I think we're all like that. One day we will be men."
Good luck out there.