Sunday, April 11, 2010

Elevator Observation

Why do people press the up/down button even though it has obviously already been pressed? The button lights up once pressed, which clearly alerts potential elevator riders that yes, the car is coming soon. There is no need to press the button again. The elevator will get there when it gets there.

Yet there are some people who seem to think it will somehow make the car come faster if they walk up to the already lit button and press it. Again. Or maybe even press it two or three times in rapid succession, just in case.

It is such a weird phenomena that I witness every day at my place of employment. We are on the 46th floor of a 48 story building, so elevator riding is part of my daily commute. Of all the dumb elevator maneuvers people pull (and there are many, as we all know), this one astounds me the most. It's bordering on OCD behavior, or perhaps control-freakishness. Someone already pressed the button. There are lots of people waiting already. And some guy (or girl, though I see that less often for some reason. Trust issues, guys?) walks right up with authority and hits that button like he just saved all our lives. Like we were waiting here in the lobby for NO REASON whatsoever, just hoping someone would come hit the button and summon our only mode of transportation. Thank you sir! You saved us all from a life of standing aimlessly in a lobby area, unsure of our future and what our purpose is. Thank God you showed up and pressed that lighted button, or who knows what could have happened?

It's ridiculous. Also mildly hilarious.
I just needed to point this out.
I am done now.

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