Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Shred Update

Well I have moved on to level 2 and it sucks even more than the first. Jillian still tortures me and tells me she literally wants me to feel "like you're going to die." Thanks Jillian.

And her two lackeys on either side that are exercising along with me are more annoying than they were in the first level. Their perfect abs glint in the harsh florescent lights of the workout studio. They "glisten" instead of sweat. And their long, toned legs reach their supple bouncing breasts as they do the "high knee" running in place during the cardio circuit. All the while their smiles are so frozen that after a while I swear it looks more like sneering.

Anyway enough about the hate. I have to make an honest confession. I have not been shredding every day. I started out strong. I did! I think I did it every day for about 10-12 days. But then I went to California to welcome my new niece into the world...and then I came back and the sun was so bright and warm that I thought it tragic to stay indoors for my workout when I could be running outside (Jillian-free)! So I have been alternating between what I consider "running" (jogging and walking for about 30 minutes) and a few days of the shred each week.

The result?

I somehow weigh more than I did when I started. (And my pants are tight too, so don't give me that "muscle weighs more than fat" business.) What the heck?

I try, people. I really try. I would say at this point in my life, I am more active than most. I ride my bike to work at least twice a week if not more. I shred a few times a week. I run a few times a week. Otherwise I walk everywhere I go in Chicago. So what is the problem, body?

Oh yeah...it's all that beer and chocolate I consume on a regular basis.


Bossy Betty said...

Don't tell Jillian about your perceived non-success! She'll come out and shred you herself!

leelee said...

No doubt she would. It's our little secret...shhh!

Frangk said...

cut out sugar for a bit! I promise you will loose weight.