Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I used to watch those "Leggo My Eggo" commercials and think they were talking about "Legos", the childrens' building block toys. I really was convinced. I didn't "get" what they were really going for (Let GO of My Eggo) until about 8th grade. Sad but true.

On that note, I realized a few other things of that nature in 8th grade. The commercial for "Nut&Honey" cereal? They were saying "Nuthin, honey" to their pesky loved ones, not simply stating the cereal name, like I assumed. At Church, when the priest finished up a mass, he was saying "thanks BE to God," not "thanks speed of God." While I sort of understood that my interpretations of these things didn't quite makes sense, I simply figured it was everyone around me that made up these odd sayings that was crazy.

It's sort of like that year, my developing brain finally reached it's maturity and suddenly the world made sense. Too bad it didn't last.

It is odd to me that it took that long for me to question and at last figure out the real intention behind these phrases. Why wasn't my brain bright enough to question my perception, as I so often do now?

But then I think about how some people my age still say supposably and irregardless, and I realize that it can happen at any age, anytime. Sometimes we just don't use our brains to make sure what we think is true is really what is going on. We take things at face value. We repeat what other people say and take it for truth.
It's not always truth. There were no legos in that commercial. They were not talking about my favorite childhood toy.
They were telling me to let go.

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