Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I would like to attempt to list 100 things about me. I think it will not only make me stretch my pea brain but also inspire me and make me realize I am a lot cooler than I sometimes think I am. In fact, I think we all should do this from time to time! Everyone take a second sometime this week to jot down 100 things about yourself. maybe you will discover something you never knew about the one person you spend allllllll your time with--YOU!
(Jeez I sound like a self-help guru or something...hand me some dolphin shorts and cue "Sweating to the Oldies" music!)

Drumroll please...

1 I wear cool glasses
2 I have the nasal twang in my voice you only acquire living in Fresno, CA
3 My favorite sushi roll is a crunchy roll that doesn't seem to exist in Chicago. (I will find one, dammit!)
4 I look good in skirts and heels but I never wear them
5 I take a train to work every day
6 I am a really good waitress (if I so choose to be)
7 I am addicted to chocolate
8 I file my nails anywhere, anytime, if need be
9 I get mousy and shy when I don't know anyone (it's true! you are never there to witness it, but it's true!)
10 I pay all my parking tickets and bills on time
11 I got out of jury duty (thank God! It was a close call, I would say)
12 I had a cat named cuddles that I talked to when I was little
13 I am an actress
14 I am a writer
15 I am a good friend to talk to. Not so good with the gifts or remembering birthdays or taking you to lunch, but good to talk to
16 I have great taste in music, and love nothing more than to share it with people I love
17 I learn something new about computers every day.
18 I am almost painfully logical at times...
19 Then I will turn around and think ridiculously irrationally for a good long while
20 That being said, I am a very complex person, totally contradictory most of the time
21 I have a thing for boys that look Jewish-always have, always will
22 I pick up on things pretty darn quickly
23 I actually like exercising (this is a pretty recent discovery)
24 I don't fit in at office buildings and that is ok, I will still work there
25 I don't fit in with hipsters and that is ok, I will still try to befriend them
26 There are a lot of stuffed animals on my bed
27 I only like my hair when Frank is around
28 I am not skinny or fat, but somewhere awkwardly inbetween
29 I smoked pot with Woody Harrelson
30 I surfed in La Jolla and loved it
31 I left places I have lived that made me unhappy
32 I explored most cities in California
33 I have to plug my nose when I jump in the pool...still
34 I can't dive for the life of me
35 I am pretty flexible
36 I sit on my porch way too much
37 I read an insane amount of information every day and hardly absorb any of it
38 I swam in a secret waterin' hole only locals knew about on an Illinois hiking trail
39 I often internalize songs and make them mean something deeper
40 My favorite drink is Vodka and tonic
41 My favorite color is brown
42 I like making people feel comfortable enough to talk to me about anything
43 I am crude
44 I am a very gassy person
45 I sweat a lot, whether I exert energy or not
46 I am very sexual but not too sexy most of the time
47 I once had purple hair (just in the front)
48 I used to sneak out of my house to go drink and smoke and never got officially caught
49 There are thoughts I have that make no sense and it's ok to call me out on it
50 I need a lot of reassurance
51 I am a tad bit codependent
52 I have the kind of smile where my lips disappear and my teeth look enormous
53 I hate and love my freckles at the same time
54 I am a closet optimist and I am not ready to come out fully
55 I talk about things but don't take action nearly enough
56 I often do things based on fear
57 I often don't do things based on fear
58 I climbed Mount Baldy in the snow in jeans and ate dehydrated food that was delicious
59 I love rollercoasters
60 I love Halloween and not just because it is my birthday
61 I own an MP3 player but not an IPOD
62 I keep anything anyone gives me so I can look at it later and remember them
63 My favorite type of music can be best described as "guitar-based, electronic indie pop"
64 I have had my heart broken and turned out better than I ever thought possible at the time
65 I have broken hearts and I always hate it, every time, no matter the circumstances
66 There are many hemp necklaces that I keep in a red box even though I never wear them
67 I do not have one piece of expensive or fine jewelry with me in Chicago
68 Speaking of which, I put all I could fit into my jetta and drove cross country to move to Chicago!
69 My mother was also in on the above road trip and I am glad I let her come because it made the time very special and we are not very close so that is important
70 I want to own a bearded dragon someday
71 And a chihuahua
72 I love being in a smoky bar in the middle of a snowstorm
73 I collect fall leaves in Chicago to send to people I love
74 I am terrified of old age
75 I have gone on a hay ride in the dark
76 I am judgmental but always open to having my mind changed
77 I don't have too many strong opinions about anything, but when I do, you'll know about it
78 I get bouts of uncontrollable hyperactive energy and have to jump around and say nonsensical things for a while
79 I shake uncontrollably almost all the time
80 I get anxious about little things and make them HUGE
81 I like to be considered "funny"
82 I lie and say I am fine a lot
83 I secretly cry about nothing and everything at random times
84 Gross things make me happy but I will still be grossed out
85 I am a great secret keeper as long as I am able to tell ONE other person (that doesn't know anyone involved, of course)
86 Try as I might, I really could never get into candles and incense
87 I like cats more than dogs
88 I used to think I could turn into a dog
89 When I was little I used to rub against trees with the boy down the street and call it "the good feeling"
90 Sometimes when I was very young I really wanted to die
91 I have won awards in all the things I love
92 Anything I spot that is strange I will stop and look at for at least a few minutes
93 Once I knew what I wanted in a relationship, I found it
94 I waste a lot of time doing stupid things
95 I enjoy wasting time doing stupid things
96 I can't remember what I did the day before and that scares me
97 There are many things I want to do that I haven't..yet
98 I could spend hours in a museum
99 I really like having someone with me to share moments
100 I have no idea what my future holds...and am learning to be ok with it

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