Sunday, January 21, 2007

Beside me is a window. Through this window, I am able to watch the swirls of snow-rain as they spin and tumble to the streets. This is snow so fine it looks almost like tiny misty raindrops. The only difference, really, is that this stuff is leaving its mark on the world as it falls--piling up in large expanses of pure white, covering cars, window sills, trees...a silent visitor to all.
As long as you get to watch it from the warmth of your home, and are not out in it, it is quite beautiful. Ok well sometimes when you are in it and bundled up properly, it can be beautiful then as well.

What fascinates me is the consistency with which it falls. Steady like rain.

There is a dog--a great big black poodle who has come to play in it. She barks at each snowflake like it is her enemy. She stops to marvel at the beauty, too. Then she lumbers up onto her master's chest, tossing up her big paws like two big slabs of meat ready for grilling. Her master releases her from her leash and the park is the dog's to conquer. She darts around with glee and creates the first foot prints in this new fallen snow spread. Her happiness is contagious and I find myself smiling.

Today is a day for doing things. This snow makes me question all I planned, as snow often does. How can I get out of that? Or this? Do I really NEED to go to the store today? But there is something very satisfying about having this initial desire to stay home and do nothing, but pushing through the idea and going out and tackling the day anyway. That is one thing about Chicagoans. They don't let anything stop them from the day, even with the ridiculous weather they got tossed their way. It's inspiring, really.

OK, here I go!

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